In recognition of the challenges facing farmers in Malawi, an agro-based economy, Sunseed Oil Limited’s extension officers have taken a proactive stance to address the escalating costs of inputs, particularly fertilizers. The surge in prices has heightened the risk of food insecurity among rural farmers, impacting their ability to cultivate essential crops.

While Sunseed’s primary focus is on oil seed crops, particularly soya, the company acknowledges the pivotal role that food security plays in sustaining agricultural practices. In response, Sunseed has committed to training farmers in the production of organic fertilizer using crop and animal wastes, offering an affordable and sustainable alternative to conventional inorganic fertilizers. This initiative not only assists farmers in reducing production costs but also enhances soil health, fostering optimal conditions for crop growth.

Sunseed recognizes that a food-secure farming community is vital not only for the well-being of the farmers but also for ensuring a stable supply of raw materials, such as soya, for the company. By addressing the root causes of food insecurity, Sunseed aims to empower farmers and secure the agricultural foundation on which its operations depend.

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What is the Farming Investment Fund

  • Soil and Water Conservation- Participatory Watershed Management
  • Land Resource Inventory, Characterization Agricultural Land Use Planning
  • Model farming agreement on banana in regional languages
  • Clarification regarding Interest Subvention in Central Sector Scheme for financing
  • Information on policy framework for agricultural extension

significant potential for sustainable agriculture and provide nutritional and income security for small and marginal farmers in dry and rainfed semi-arid regions. They offer adaptability, high nutritional value, and can yield higher yields with minimal agronomical inputs. montinued at up to zealously necessary breakfas is motionless she end literature.

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